Liturgical Calendar of the Franciscan Breviary Supplement


3rd The Holy Name of Jesus

5th Blessed Diego Giuseppe of Cadice (1743-1801)

12th Saint Bernard Latini of Corleone (1605-1667)

16th Saint Berard and companions († 1220)

30th Saint Hyacinth Mariscotti of Vignanello (1585-1640)


4th Saint Joseph of Leonessa (1556-1612)

6th Saints Peter Baptist, Paul Miki, and martyr companions († 1597)

7th Saint Colette of Corbie (1381-1447)

9th Blessed Leopoldo of Alpandeire (1864-1956)


21st Saint Conrad of Parzham (1818-1894) Article I; Article II

24th Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen (1577-1622)

30th Blessed Benedetto da Urbino (1560-1625)


4th Blessed Tommaso da Olera (1563-1631)

8th Blessed Geremia da Valacchia (1556-1625)

11th Saint Ignazio of Làconi (1721-1781)

12th Saint Leopoldo Mandić of Castelnuovo (1866-1942)

16th Saint Margaret of Cortona (1247-1297)

17th Saint Paschal Baylon (1540-1592)

18th Saint Felice da Cantalice (1515-1587) Article I; Article II

19th Saint Crispino da Viterbo (1668-1750)

20th Saint Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444)

22nd Blessed John Forest († 1538)

24th Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi

27th Blessed José Tous y Soler da Igualada (1811-1871)


2nd Saint Felice of Nicosia (1715-1787)

4th Blesseds Thomas Salech and Leonard Melki (1915; 1917)

8th Blessed Nicola of Gèsturi (1882-1958)

12th Blessed Florida Cevoli of Pisa (1685-1767)

13th Saint Anthony of Padua († 1231)

16th Blessed Aniceto Koplin e IV Companion martyrs (1875-1941)

26th Blessed Andrea Giacinto Longhin (1863-1936)

26th Blessed Jacques of Ghazir (1875-1954)


10th Saint Veronica Giuliani (1660-1727)

12th Saint John Jones († 1598) and Saint John Wall († 1679)

14th Saint Francis Solano (1549-1610)

15th Saint Bonaventure (1218-1274)

21st Saint Lawrence of Brindisi (1559-1619)

27th Blessed Maria Maddalena Martinengo (1687-1737)

28th Blessed Maria Teresa Kowalska del Bambino Gesù (1902-1941) [Originally the memorial  was celebrated with the other 107 beatified martyrs on 13th June]

30th Blessed Solanus Casey (1870 – 1957)


2nd Our Lady of the Angels: The Portiuncula

7th Blessed Agatangelo (1598-1638) and Cassiano (1607-1638)

8th Our Father Saint Dominic (c. 1172-1221)

11th Saint Clare of Assisi (1193-1253)

13th Blessed Marco of Aviano (1631-1699)

14th Saint Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941)

18th Blessed Jean-Louis Loir de Besançon, Protasio de Seéz and Sebastiano da Nancy († 1792)

19th Saint Louis of Anjou (1274-1297)

23rd Blessed Bernardo da Offìda (1604-1694)

25th Saint Louis IX, King of France (1214-1270)


2nd Blessed Apollinare of Posat (1739-1792)

10th Blessed Agnellus of Pisa (†1236)

17th The Stigmata of our holy Father Francis (1224)

18th Saint Jospeh of Cupertino (1603-1663)

19th Saint Francis Mary of Camporosso (1804-1866)

22nd Saint Ignazio da Santhià (1686-1770)

23rd Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968)

26th Blessed Aurelio da Vinalesa (1896-1936) and XI companion martyrs

28th Blessed Innocenzo of Berzo (1844-1890)


4th Our Holy Father Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)

5th All Deceased Capuchins, Sisters, Relatives and Benefactors

9th Blessed Maria Lorenza Longo (c. 1463-1539)

12th Saint Serafino of Montegranaro (1540-1604)

13th Blessed Honorato (Kozminski) of Biła (1829-1916)

19th Saint Peter of Alcantara (1499-1562)

21st Blessed Maria Lorenza Longo (1463-1539)

23rd Saint John of Capistrano (1386-1456)

25th Blessed Maria di Gesù and IV companion martyrs (1936-1937) [Originally celebrated with the other martyrs of Valencia, 26th September]

31st Saint Angelo d’Acri (1669-1739)


6th Blessed Andrea da Palazuelo and XXXII companion martyrs († 1936)

6th Blessed Federico da Berga and XXV companion martyrs (†1936-1937)

6th Blesseds Benedetto, Giuseppe and Dominic († 1936)

8th Blessed John Duns Scotus (1265-1308)

14th Saint Nicholas Tavelic and companions (1340-1391)

17th Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (1207-1235)

24th Commemoration of all Deceased Franciscans and their Benefactors

26th Saint Leonard of Port Maurice (1676-1751)

27th Saint Francis Anthony Fasani (1681-1742)

28th Saint James of the Marches (1394-1476)

29th All Saints of the Seraphic Order


2nd Blessed Maria Angela Astorch (1592-1665)

10th Blessed Arsenio of Trigolo (1849-1909)